details: 'zsofts bad day'

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General information

Mini Map


team 1
Random» HumanKolozal (blue | 45 APM | 652 actions | 14:30)
Hero icon 3 Paladin
Ability icon 2 Holy Light
Ability icon 1 Devotion Aura
Hero icon 1 Archmage
Ability icon 1 Brilliance Aura

» actions
Assign group hotkey15
Basic commands42
Build / train33
Enter build submenu22
Enter hero's abilities submenu4
Right click218
Select / deselect116
Select group hotkey177
Use ability25
652 total
» units
Goblin Shredder1
Goblin Zeppelin1
21 total
» upgrades
Animal War Training1
Priest Training1
4 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Lumber Mill1
Arcane Sanctum1
Town Hall1
20 total
» build order
00:08 Altar of Kings
00:14 Farm
00:55 Farm
01:11 Barracks
01:32 Farm
02:12 Farm
02:22 Blacksmith
02:58 Farm
03:49 Farm
03:51 Keep
04:29 Farm
05:13 Farm
05:51 Barracks
06:16 Castle
06:53 Lumber Mill
06:59 Farm
07:44 Farm
08:24 Farm
12:24 Arcane Sanctum
13:17 Town Hall
NightElfMrTobi (yellow | 58 APM | 842 actions | 14:28)
Hero icon 3 Priestess of the Moon
Ability icon 1 Searing Arrows
Ability icon 2 Trueshot Aura
Hero icon 2 Keeper of the Grove
Ability icon 1 Entangling Roots
Ability icon 1 Thorns Aura

» actions
Assign group hotkey64
Build / train46
Enter build submenu20
Enter hero's abilities submenu5
Give item / drop item2
Remove unit from queue1
Right click319
Select / deselect223
Select group hotkey128
Use ability34
842 total
» units
31 total
» upgrades
Strength of the Wild2
Reinforced Hides1
Corrosive Breath1
4 total
» buildings
Moon Well6
Altar of Elders1
Ancient of War1
Tree of Ages1
Hunter's Hall1
Tree of Eternity1
Ancient of Wind1
Chimaera Roost2
Tree of Life3
Ancient of Wonders1
18 total
» build order
00:27 Moon Well
00:55 Altar of Elders
01:37 Ancient of War
02:05 Tree of Ages
02:10 Moon Well
02:39 Moon Well
03:24 Hunter's Hall
03:53 Moon Well
04:19 Moon Well
04:52 Tree of Eternity
05:23 Ancient of Wind
07:37 Chimaera Roost
07:37 Chimaera Roost
08:37 Tree of Life
10:04 Moon Well
10:50 Tree of Life
12:34 Tree of Life
13:00 Ancient of Wonders
» items
Scroll of Town Portal1
1 total
OrcTHE_NBA_SUX_LOL (teal | 77 APM | 2425 actions | 31:27)
Hero icon 7 Blademaster
Ability icon 3 Wind Walk
Ability icon 3 Critical Strike
Ability icon 1 Bladestorm
Hero icon 1 Keeper of the Grove
Ability icon 1 Entangling Roots
Hero icon 1 Priestess of the Moon
Ability icon 1 Searing Arrows

» actions
Assign group hotkey45
Basic commands41
Build / train119
Enter build submenu31
Enter hero's abilities submenu9
Give item / drop item3
Right click1045
Select / deselect286
Select group hotkey674
Use ability172
2425 total
» units
Goblin Shredder5
Goblin Zeppelin1
Wind Rider1
Troll Batrider31
Flying Machine9
75 total
» upgrades
Ranged Weapons2
Reinforced Defenses2
Envenomed Spears1
Liquid Fire2
Priest Training1
Sorceress Training1
Strength of the Wild1
Reinforced Hides1
Flying Machine Bombs1
Flak Cannons1
20 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow7
Voodoo Lounge2
War Mill1
Great Hall4
Watch Tower40
Moon Well3
72 total
» build order
00:06 Altar of Storms
00:18 Orc Burrow
00:35 Barracks
01:23 Orc Burrow
01:55 Voodoo Lounge
02:54 Stronghold
02:54 Stronghold
02:54 Stronghold
02:54 Stronghold
03:54 War Mill
04:41 Great Hall
05:16 Orc Burrow
05:40 Fortress
05:40 Fortress
06:08 Beastiary
06:22 Beastiary
06:39 Beastiary
07:37 Watch Tower
07:38 Watch Tower
07:39 Watch Tower
09:25 Watch Tower
09:26 Watch Tower
09:32 Great Hall
09:34 Watch Tower
09:34 Watch Tower
09:35 Watch Tower
09:35 Watch Tower
09:36 Watch Tower
09:46 Watch Tower
10:47 Watch Tower
10:47 Watch Tower
10:48 Watch Tower
10:48 Watch Tower
11:20 Watch Tower
11:20 Watch Tower
11:45 Orc Burrow
11:58 Watch Tower
12:47 Watch Tower
12:48 Watch Tower
13:33 Watch Tower
13:33 Watch Tower
13:34 Watch Tower
13:34 Watch Tower
13:35 Watch Tower
14:23 Watch Tower
14:23 Watch Tower
14:23 Watch Tower
15:05 Watch Tower
15:05 Watch Tower
15:06 Watch Tower
15:06 Watch Tower
19:00 Voodoo Lounge
26:00 Orc Burrow
26:01 Orc Burrow
26:01 Orc Burrow
26:12 Workshop
26:13 Workshop
26:14 Workshop
26:14 Workshop
26:45 Moon Well
26:45 Moon Well
26:45 Moon Well
27:49 Great Hall
28:23 Great Hall
28:25 Watch Tower
28:25 Watch Tower
28:25 Watch Tower
28:26 Watch Tower
28:28 Watch Tower
28:28 Watch Tower
28:29 Watch Tower
28:29 Watch Tower
» items
Healing Salve3
Orb of Lightning1
Scroll of Town Portal2
6 total
Random» OrcZSoft (orange | 52 APM | 712 actions | 13:47)
Hero icon 4 Blademaster
Ability icon 2 Wind Walk
Ability icon 2 Critical Strike
Hero icon 3 Shadow Hunter
Ability icon 1 Healing Wave
Ability icon 2 Serpent Ward

» actions
Assign group hotkey15
Basic commands3
Build / train41
Enter build submenu13
Enter hero's abilities submenu7
Give item / drop item2
Remove unit from queue1
Right click273
Select / deselect157
Select group hotkey158
Use ability42
712 total
» units
Wind Rider6
Goblin Zeppelin1
Blue Drake1
21 total
» upgrades
Ranged Weapons3
Envenomed Spears1
6 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow4
Voodoo Lounge1
War Mill1
Watch Tower2
Great Hall1
14 total
» build order
00:07 Altar of Storms
00:19 Orc Burrow
01:05 Voodoo Lounge
01:26 War Mill
02:23 Stronghold
02:55 Orc Burrow
03:21 Watch Tower
04:47 Fortress
04:49 Beastiary
05:14 Beastiary
05:24 Orc Burrow
08:04 Great Hall
09:04 Watch Tower
09:56 Orc Burrow
» items
Healing Salve1
Orb of Lightning1
2 total
team 2
Random» UndeadJwood (green | 35 APM | 1109 actions | 31:23)
Hero icon 4 Dreadlord
Ability icon 2 Sleep
Ability icon 2 Vampiric Aura
Hero icon 2 Death Knight
Ability icon 1 Death Coil
Ability icon 1 Unholy Aura

» actions
Assign group hotkey63
Basic commands215
Build / train82
Enter build submenu16
Enter hero's abilities submenu6
Remove unit from queue4
Right click309
Select / deselect290
Select group hotkey91
Use ability33
1109 total
» units
Crypt Fiend14
Giant Sea Turtle1
Makrura Snapper1
49 total
» upgrades
Creature Attack3
Creature Carapace3
7 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness1
Halls of the Dead1
Nerubian Tower1
Spirit Tower9
Tomb of Relics1
Black Citadel1
31 total
» build order
00:08 Ziggurat
00:11 Crypt
00:34 Altar of Darkness
01:00 Graveyard
01:10 Graveyard
01:41 Ziggurat
02:09 Ziggurat
06:14 Necropolis
06:22 Halls of the Dead
07:22 Crypt
07:28 Ziggurat
07:30 Ziggurat
07:31 Ziggurat
07:33 Ziggurat
07:39 Ziggurat
09:03 Nerubian Tower
09:05 Spirit Tower
09:05 Spirit Tower
09:10 Spirit Tower
09:10 Spirit Tower
09:32 Tomb of Relics
10:12 Spirit Tower
10:12 Spirit Tower
10:22 Spirit Tower
10:22 Spirit Tower
11:49 Black Citadel
17:50 Crypt
19:04 Spirit Tower
25:08 Ziggurat
25:10 Ziggurat
25:12 Ziggurat
» items
Scroll of Town Portal1
1 total
HumanJaguaR- (red | 45 APM | 1424 actions | 31:27)
Hero icon 3 Mountain King
Ability icon 2 Storm Bolt
Ability icon 1 Bash
Hero icon 1 Naga Sea Witch
Ability icon 1 Frost Arrows

» actions
Assign group hotkey30
Basic commands99
Build / train88
ESC pressed10
Enter build submenu23
Enter hero's abilities submenu4
Give item / drop item1
Right click491
Select / deselect295
Select group hotkey260
Use ability123
1424 total
» units
Mortar Team13
Flying Machine13
58 total
» upgrades
Long Rifles1
Priest Training1
Fragmentation Shards1
Flak Cannons2
11 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Lumber Mill1
Arcane Vault1
Town Hall1
Scout Tower18
Arcane Sanctum1
Guard Tower6
74 total
» build order
00:36 Altar of Kings
00:45 Farm
01:30 Barracks
01:48 Blacksmith
02:31 Farm
03:01 Farm
03:02 Farm
03:03 Farm
03:24 Lumber Mill
04:36 Farm
04:51 Arcane Vault
05:16 Keep
06:27 Town Hall
06:33 Scout Tower
06:34 Scout Tower
06:35 Scout Tower
06:36 Scout Tower
06:38 Scout Tower
06:39 Scout Tower
06:54 Farm
06:55 Farm
06:57 Farm
06:58 Farm
08:00 Workshop
08:07 Arcane Sanctum
08:32 Workshop
08:46 Guard Tower
09:01 Guard Tower
09:01 Guard Tower
09:06 Guard Tower
09:42 Castle
11:43 Farm
11:44 Farm
11:48 Guard Tower
11:49 Guard Tower
19:47 Scout Tower
19:48 Scout Tower
19:49 Scout Tower
19:51 Scout Tower
19:52 Scout Tower
19:55 Scout Tower
19:57 Scout Tower
19:58 Scout Tower
20:00 Scout Tower
20:01 Scout Tower
20:02 Scout Tower
20:03 Scout Tower
25:04 Necropolis
25:06 Necropolis
25:08 Necropolis
25:10 Necropolis
25:11 Necropolis
25:12 Necropolis
25:13 Necropolis
25:15 Necropolis
25:16 Necropolis
25:17 Necropolis
25:18 Necropolis
25:19 Necropolis
25:21 Necropolis
25:21 Necropolis
25:23 Necropolis
25:24 Necropolis
25:25 Necropolis
25:28 Necropolis
25:28 Necropolis
25:31 Necropolis
25:32 Necropolis
25:33 Necropolis
25:35 Necropolis
25:35 Necropolis
25:36 Necropolis
25:37 Necropolis
26:17 Necropolis
» items
Scroll of Regeneration1
Orb of Fire1
2 total
HumanJackPoint (purple | 58 APM | 1832 actions | 31:28)
Hero icon 7 Archmage
Ability icon 3 Summon Water Elemental
Ability icon 3 Brilliance Aura
Ability icon 1 Mass Teleport

» actions
Assign group hotkey103
Basic commands291
Build / train75
Enter build submenu45
Enter hero's abilities submenu7
Give item / drop item6
Remove unit from queue1
Right click479
Select / deselect441
Select group hotkey260
Use ability124
1832 total
» units
Goblin Shredder2
Gryphon Rider15
Goblin Zeppelin3
Blue Dragon2
Goblin Sapper3
42 total
» upgrades
Storm Hammers1
Animal War Training1
12 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Lumber Mill1
Town Hall2
Scout Tower26
Arcane Vault2
Guard Tower3
Gryphon Aviary4
54 total
» build order
00:39 Altar of Kings
00:40 Barracks
00:49 Farm
00:50 Farm
01:04 Farm
01:05 Farm
03:27 Keep
03:38 Lumber Mill
04:30 Town Hall
04:34 Scout Tower
04:38 Scout Tower
04:41 Scout Tower
04:45 Scout Tower
06:07 Arcane Vault
06:10 Castle
06:14 Guard Tower
07:43 Gryphon Aviary
07:43 Gryphon Aviary
07:44 Gryphon Aviary
07:44 Gryphon Aviary
07:47 Blacksmith
07:50 Blacksmith
09:00 Farm
10:50 Scout Tower
10:50 Scout Tower
10:51 Scout Tower
10:51 Scout Tower
10:52 Scout Tower
10:54 Scout Tower
10:54 Scout Tower
10:56 Scout Tower
10:58 Scout Tower
10:59 Scout Tower
10:59 Scout Tower
11:00 Scout Tower
14:07 Guard Tower
15:34 Farm
15:35 Farm
15:36 Farm
15:36 Farm
15:37 Farm
16:07 Town Hall
16:15 Scout Tower
16:15 Scout Tower
16:15 Scout Tower
16:16 Scout Tower
16:18 Arcane Vault
16:20 Scout Tower
16:20 Scout Tower
16:21 Scout Tower
16:22 Scout Tower
16:22 Scout Tower
16:23 Scout Tower
18:09 Guard Tower
» items
Scroll of Regeneration1
Mechanical Critter2
Staff of Sanctuary1
Staff of Teleportation1
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability1
6 total
Undeadmrbullet (pink | 27 APM | 630 actions | 23:06)
Hero icon 3 Lich
Ability icon 2 Frost Nova
Ability icon 1 Frost Armor

» actions
Basic commands2
Build / train39
ESC pressed1
Enter build submenu18
Enter hero's abilities submenu3
Remove unit from queue1
Right click292
Select / deselect256
Use ability18
630 total
» units
Crypt Fiend4
Goblin Zeppelin1
Frost Wyrm7
25 total
» upgrades
Creature Attack3
Creature Carapace1
Freezing Breath1
6 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness1
Halls of the Dead1
Black Citadel1
Sacrificial Pit1
16 total
» build order
00:15 Altar of Darkness
00:39 Ziggurat
00:42 Ziggurat
01:09 Crypt
02:43 Graveyard
03:33 Halls of the Dead
06:06 Black Citadel
06:13 Sacrificial Pit
08:19 Ziggurat
08:23 Ziggurat
08:34 Boneyard
09:02 Boneyard
10:19 Ziggurat
11:11 Ziggurat
11:14 Ziggurat
11:16 Ziggurat

Chat log

(01:15 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: sup

(02:39 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: its funny how the media acts like warriors are super team and cavs aren't
(02:42 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: cavs roste rlooks better
(02:51 / All) Jwood: warriors won
(03:01 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: doesn't refute my statement
(04:00 / Allies) mrbullet: units?
(04:08 / Allies) Jwood: fiends/gargs
(04:27 / Allies) mrbullet: was going to make some frosties
(04:34 / Allies) Jwood: do it

(05:38 / All) JackPoint: man what the fuck
(05:52 / All) JackPoint: I pull footman back
(06:03 / All) JackPoint: queue back attack and it cuts the fucking walk short so it doesn't take off aggro
(06:19 / All) JackPoint: new patch is dog shit

(07:45 / Allies) JaguaR-: can i take?

(08:47 / Allies) mrbullet: wood plz

(12:59 / Allies) Jwood: lol
(13:00 / Allies) mrbullet: purp share some gold?
(13:01 / Allies) Jwood: that sentry
(13:08 / Allies) Jwood: hit that 10 times
(13:19 / All) ZSoft: gg
(13:29 / All) JackPoint: straight up molested you kid
(13:37 / All) JackPoint: I'm like your creepy old uncle
(13:37 / All) ZSoft: no help
(13:38 / All) JackPoint: you like that?
(13:42 / All) JackPoint: 1v1 newbie
(13:44 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: its one expo and he said gg
(14:03 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: jesus this team is full of babies
(14:33 / Allies) mrbullet: lol
(14:57 / Allies) JackPoint: lumber pelase
(15:29 / Allies) JackPoint: lumber pelase
(15:38 / Allies) mrbullet: gold plz then
(15:52 / Allies) JackPoint: that's cold pink
(15:58 / Allies) mrbullet: i need stuff to
(16:43 / Allies) mrbullet: ill freeze his towers
(16:58 / Allies) Jwood: comin
(17:11 / Allies) mrbullet: ew bats

(18:13 / Allies) JaguaR-: ?
(18:14 / Allies) JaguaR-: why
(18:30 / Allies) mrbullet: really purpe
(18:45 / Allies) JaguaR-: why this ?
(18:49 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: leav enoobs
(19:17 / Allies) mrbullet: kill purples base..
(19:50 / All) JackPoint: MOLON LABE

(20:57 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: nice towers noob

(22:29 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: leav enoobs
(22:48 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: game is over
(22:51 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: gimme my win
(23:19 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: leave jwood noob
(23:22 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: saying warriors won lawl
(23:23 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: dumbshit
(24:28 / All) JackPoint: you can run but you most certainly can't hide, newbie
(24:42 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: dont be a poor sort
(24:48 / All) Jwood: go ahead. kill everything
(24:55 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: with pleasure
(25:31 / All) Jwood: peace. afk
(25:32 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: they can't accept that they got owned
(25:38 / All) JackPoint: sore losers
(25:44 / All) JackPoint: we lost fair and square give the man his props

(27:06 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: red still here lawl
(27:14 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: i see u mr peasant
(27:37 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: permission to attack ur base?
(27:53 / All) JackPoint: go ahead

(28:56 / All) JackPoint: Orange did mirror right in my view while we battled like it would fool me lol
(28:59 / All) JackPoint: his mirror item
(29:05 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: lawl
(29:09 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: my team were babies
(29:15 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: Blue said he was gonna leave like 10 min in
(29:17 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: cuz i had 2 expos
(29:20 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: we had 3open too

(30:20 / All) JackPoint: Red was a big time newb
(30:25 / All) JackPoint: he lost it for us
(30:29 / All) JackPoint: So really you just 1v3'd
(30:32 / All) JackPoint: well
(30:40 / All) JackPoint: 1v2.5, I think green only counts as half a player
(30:41 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: yea. i played pretty good this game
(30:44 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: ur team didnt do good
(30:44 / All) JackPoint: he was pretty shitty too
(30:55 / All) JackPoint: sorry we couldn't give you a better game
(30:57 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: u wer epretty amazin purp
(30:59 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: u got oj's expo
(31:00 / All) JackPoint: but I was hamstringed by noobs
(31:10 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: u had mass tp really quick
(31:17 / All) JackPoint: orange got slaughtered
(31:19 / All) THE_NBA_SUX_LOL: oj wouldnt help yellow fight red but he owuld tp to his expo
(31:24 / All) JackPoint: and tried to blame team